A Special Wedding Guest

So let me begin from earlier that day. On the morning of the wedding, we were going over the final details for the ceremony and reception. I looked over my dress one more time to make sure the dress was fine.  The house was buzzing with people moving about, and going over every detail, to make sure everything was just right. The air was filled with words of joy and excitement. It was truly a day that the Lord made, yes I did rejoice. After all, it is my wedding day.  The food, the wine all arrived on time, even the water pots were filled and ready for use.  The decor was splendid. The tables and chairs were set. Oh, everything was beautiful. I sat alone for a bit as things began to settle. I bowed my head in prayer to thank the Lord, for a  beautiful day, and giving us the means to provide for our guest food and drink.

While I was preparing myself for the ceremony, the guests were arriving. I put on the final piece  to my headdress, and made my way to the altar. All I can remember thinking, as I exited the court was “Lord don’t let me trip in this dress.” The ceremony began and all was well.  The ceremony was beautiful and we said our vows. So far, all is still well. Everything is going according to plan. At the reception the guests were laughing, talking, drinking, and dancing. After weeks of planning and negotiating on prices, I was able to breathe and enjoy the moment.  But then it happened. The unthinkable happened. The thing that puts a damper on the festivity and exposes our humble status. We ran out of wine. What are we going to do? Mary must have seen the distress on my face, when she asked me what was wrong.  So Mary said she will go and talk to her son. I did not know what she hoped to accomplish, after all her son is just a carpenter. What I needed was a vintner, someone who makes wine and would be willing to give us the wine for free. Perhaps her son knows a generous vintner, who will rescue us in our time of need. I guess it wouldn’t be a wedding without something going wrong.

Mary told Jesus about our situation.  She told him that, “They have no more wine.” Jesus said to her, “Dear woman, what is that to you and to me? My time to act and to be revealed has not yet come.”  I have to say that, while I watched them converse, I was not optimistic. What can a carpenter's son do to remedy this situation? Looking back now, this was a foolish statement. Then I saw her go over  to the waiters and said something to them. They quickly walked toward where Jesus was standing. I was curious. What did she tell them? So, I stopped one of them and asked what she said to you. The waiter replied, “she told us, whatever he says to you, do it.”  They went into the room that had six stone water pots that were to be used for the ceremonial washing.  Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the water pots with water.” So they filled them up to the brim. Then he said to them, “Draw some out now and take it to the master of the banquet.” To everyone's amazement the water had turned into wine. He did not have to say a word. Jesus simply willed it into existence. They took the new wine to the master of the banquet,  so that he could verify the quality of the wine. He tasted and became elated. The master of the banquet declared to everyone that this wine was the best wine he has ever tasted.  All was now well.

I later learned that it was at my wedding that Jesus performed his first miracle or sign that would reveal His glory and deity. I would have never thought that my humble wedding in Cana of Galilee would become a part of Jesus’ story. He did not gather everyone around to witness nor did he make an eloquent speech. He quietly displayed his power and deity when he turned the water into wine. Only a few got to witness such a great wonder. I have come to learn that He did this often, quietly helping  people in their time of need.

Well that was a day. A day that neither I or my husband will ever forget. We most certainly will be sure to tell our children the story.  We will tell them what happened, when Jesus showed up to our wedding and turned water into wine.


Now I Can See