Can’t Go Back

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. — 2 Timothy 4:7,

Can’t Go Back, is a song I wrote to encourage myself at a time in my life when I was experiencing a lot of setbacks. It seemed like every aspect of my life was under attack. If you ever faced setbacks, you probably had found yourself facing discouragement. That's what I had to fight. I would remind myself that I was doing everything for the glory of God. I decided to write a song to fight against this feeling of discouragement. I remember writing this phrase in my songbook, “discouragement comes to fight hope.” It was from this phrase that this song was born. 

It started with the chorus, “I can’t go back, I’ve come too far, to give up now, nothing can stop me now.” The chorus would not leave me. It became my battle cry. Eventually, I wrote the song. I faced many challenges. I fought and came through by reading the word of God daily (I ended up reading the whole Bible). That’s why I wrote “ I had the word of God to fight all the odds.” reading God’s word kept me focus, faithful, and at peace. Also, in that season I came to understand more about God’s faithfulness towards me. It was God who helped me to keep moving forward in hope. The Lord is surely faithful.

You may find yourself going through a tough season or facing discouragement. I want to encourage you to keep moving forward, because God always has a plan. Remember you can't go back, you've come too far by faith, to give up now.


Maybe Tomorrow