Maybe Tomorrow

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. — James 1:6

How many times do we say, “maybe tomorrow.” Why do we hesitate in moving forward in the things that are good for us. I believe following God is good for us. Yet we doubt his ways. We hesitate because we doubt. I believe that sitting on a fence makes us stagnant and that fence is a broken place to be. Often when we are in a place of brokenness we doubt everything that God is telling us to do. It is as if we think sitting on the fence is going to hold us up for long. The thing is one day it will break.

The funny thing about us is that we pray to God for direction about the things that challenges us in our lives, but then we respond by doubting God’s answer to our prayer. How do I know we doubt the answer? I know because we hesitate, and question his answer instead of moving forward. I get it that sometimes what God is telling us seems hard, uncomfortable, or undoable. Perhaps that is because we often forget that God does not give us a path that He will not equip us to walk. So we stay on the broken fence, while we are making a fuss and complaining about how things in our life are not working. Well it never will until you stop doubting, and start walking by faith.

God will always show us the way that we should go. He will provide what you need at every phase of the journey. So let us follow God. Let us stop saying, maybe tomorrow. Instead let us say today, I am taking the first step toward the life that God has for me. Stop saying maybe tomorrow, start saying today.


His Way is Better Than Ours


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