His Way is Better Than Ours

Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

If you have been walking with Jesus for a while, you have come to realize that what He thinks and plans are often clear, because unlike us, He does not change his mind. What he sets out to do, he accomplishes. That is what God told us in Isaiah 55:11, .. my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  What an assurance that God has given us. So why do we hesitate, and not do what He has spoken. We at times fight against God’s will and try to come up with a more comfortable way to walk the steps that he ordered. What do I mean by comfortable? Often we will seek to do what suits our personalities, our social or financial lifestyles. In other words, we will do it, as long it does not require too much sacrifice (or any if we are being honest). 

Perhaps our hesitation is because we keep changing our minds. How many decisions have we taken and then untaken in the course of a year? Our thoughts are often obscure and clouded by the worries of this world and the various responsibilities of our lives. We inject them into our decision making of whether or not we will follow God’s lead. Are we then doubting that He will take care of us? Or, that He has a plan. In Matthew 6:25, Jesus tells us not to worry about our lives. Then proceed to tell us that He will take care of us. We can attest that He has taken care of us in many ways in this faith journey, and yet, there is that one thing that we seem to not be willing to surrender to Him.  I get it! When God is ordering our steps we do not see all of it. We only see the next step, and step after that one sometimes comes months or years later. Perhaps the problem is how we view steps. In our minds we would visualize a staircase, with multiple steps to be climbed, so that we can get to the top. What if God steps are not about getting to the top, but about moving forward by faith. What if the step that He moves us to is where we are to linger there for a while, because there may be much to do, or much to put in place, or much to learn, before the next step is given.   What we tend to do is panic, or try to force the issue or retreat to the previous step (but you can’t go back).  Sometimes it takes more faith to wait than to go.

What we must remember is that no matter where you are on this journey, Jesus will always give abundantly; a life that is full of His grace, His hope and His loving embrace.  When we remember that we will humble before Him and surrender to His way.  Instead of worrying,  we should continuously seek to be nearer Him, by seek(ing) first his kingdom and his righteousness. When we are closer to His heart, we will come to know His heart. Then we will always acknowledge that His way is better than ours.


Now I Can See


Maybe Tomorrow